A Postcard from Exmoor 2 – April 16th 2020
April 16th 2020
Firstly, a well deserved pat on the back to everyone for staying at home and protecting the NHS over the Easter Weekend – made especially difficult we know due to the wonderful weather but Exmoor remained quiet and unvisited – apart from by the wildlife! We feel so grateful and humble as we have had the opportunity to enjoy the National Park whilst taking exercise, as well as starting a couple of projects in the Hostel Gardens. We applaud all of you who haven’t got access to the outdoor spaces as for you the isolation is so much more difficult.
Our Community Shop is gaining support week by week and the Home Delivery Service is a most welcomed addition, especially amongst those who are self isolating or struggling to either get out or schedule a home delivery from the supermarket. The Take-Away service is providing a break for all those who have been home cooking relentlessly since the lock down.
The Virginia Creeper is slowly embellishing the front of the Inn – our new residents include Jackdaws, Robins, Blue Tits, House- Martins, Swifts & a pair of Lesser Spotted Flycatchers. Our newest resident is a Tree Creeper, a very timid addition who is keeping us entertained. We think that they are all taking full advantage of the lack of people and cars and seem to have invited their friends and family along to give us a try!
We are keeping ourselves occupied clearing an area in the hostel grounds as a wooded play area for our grandchildren – we are sure we are not alone in missing them desperately – and whilst Whats App, Facetime etc. keeps us all connected, nothing comes close to a real cuddle. And a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny this week puta smile on all our faces.
It is a sad fact that this awful virus has affected us all but it has given us all time to reflect on what is really important – family and friends are really what life is all about and we feel lucky to count so many of our guests as our friends.
We extend to you our best wishes from Exmoor
Keep safe and well
From Pete & Linda, and all the Crew at The Exmoor White Horse Inn