A Postcard from Exmoor 3 – April 24th 2020


April 24th 2020   

This week at The Exmoor White Horse we have been clearing and tidying the outside spaces – there seem to be a million and one jobs that need attention so we flit like butterflies between the Hotel & the Hostel.

Although we haven’t seen our son Lewis for over a month now, his focus of attention had previously been on developing and extending the beer garden area by the river – working tirelessly through downpour after downpour at the beginning of the year until he was forced to down tools due to the lockdown. It is quite ironic that since then, the weather has been a lot kinder and would have been perfect to finish the project! On the plus side the grass has had time to settle in nicely, quite undisturbed and we are really looking forward to showing off the finished project – soon we hope.


Peter’s ‘Project Bee’ has been gathering momentum and he is planning to add two additional bee hives this spring, bringing the total to five. Our original bees wintered well and are now buzzing with activity….. producing glorious honey which we sell at the Inn and in our Community Shop.

The shop has been building steadily – we have been able to get good supplies of yeast and all types of flour which seems to be much appreciated. Peter is running deliveries and enjoying his new role as the village shopkeeper – we have been teasing him about becoming a thinner version of Arkwright (although sadly we are missing the till)!

This week we are reintroducing our Sunday Carvery for lunchtime collection and home delivery. Many people locally have been busy calving and lambing and simply don’t have the time to cook – or they simply just want a break from cooking. Emma who you will know from Reception, is one of those who has been especially busy away from the hotel these past weeks and has delighted us with photographs of her ‘new additions’ as they arrive.


Working outdoors this week we have been able to enjoy the company of a pair of nesting Woodpeckers who have been industriously working alongside us in the Hostel grounds. Pete was lucky enough to catch one of them on camera late one afternoon.







We hope that you are all keeping well and safe

Warmest Regards

Pete & Linda, and all the Crew at

The Exmoor White Horse Inn